The films should be LGBTQ+ themed or the main characters of the films should be LGBTQ+. For the purposes of this festival this includes Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Hijras, Intersex, Pansexual, Non-Binary, Gender Fluid, and Queer.
We will also accept other Independent cinema for this edition of this film festival.
We will accept films in these categories: Narrative Shorts, Narrative Features, Documentaries, Experimental, Web series, and Student Films
- Narrative Short Films: The maximum duration of films in this category is 40 minutes.
- Narrative Feature Films: Any film more than 40 minutes will be considered a feature film for the purpose of the festival.
- Documentary Films: They should be documentary films of any length. However, as highlighted earlier, it can be LGBTQ+themed or other independent cinema.
- Experimental films: Experimental films with a maximum duration of 15 minutes will be considered in this category.
- Web series: This includes more than one episode of the series. We do not have time limits for each episode.
- Student films: Films submitted by current film students will be considered for this category. Each submission should include a valid identity card from a film school.
All the films should be subtitled in English (if they are not in English)
We will not include pornographic films in the festival.
There are no restrictions on previous submissions or date of production.
By submitting the film to the festival, you agree to the terms and condition of the festival. You agree to let the organisers show the film in the festival and password protected online in cases of hybrid festival. The films will be screened in the physical festival or online festival, or both.
By submitting to the festival, you agree that you have all the rights (including copyright if required) for this submission.
By submitting to the festival, you agree that a part of your film (maximum up to two minutes) may be used for
Each selected film will receive a laurel and certificate.
All the selected films will be eligible for awards.
You agree to pay the required submission charges for the festival.